Tinctures and Medicinal Products

Since we are both medical doctors with knowledge of the therapeutic properties of plants in Belize, it would fall logically into place that we would make tinctures and medicinal products. We have a farm which allows us to plant our own medicinal plants and also keep a lot of areas undisturbed so that wild, medicinal plants can grow in their natural habitat. We harvest our plants, process and extract them to make standardized tinctures and medicinal products. Many of our products are made from well-known and well-established traditional healing plants of Belize; some examples are Jackass Bitters for parasites and fungus, Copal for skin disorders and Lemongrass (Fevergrass) for its insect repellent properties.

The tinctures are by their nature, concentrated plant extracts preserved in alcohol. We are very excited about developing this area of the apothecary to provide plant remedies for many common ailments. Watch this space!

The range of medicinal products are wide and varied; with time, we will build up a comprehensive list of medicinal remedies. For now, we have a few offerings including Bitters Oil for Cold Sores and Wounds, Ear Drops, Sunburn balm and a few more. This is an area that we would like to expand upon because it encompasses all our skills of creativity and knowledge of plants and medicine.