Picture of Chocolate Body Oils and Sprays; Chocolate Artisan Soap, Chocolate Smoothie Lip Balm, Chocolate Spice Body Polish and Raw Cacao Beans on a watchglass

Chocolate Cherry Massage Oil

A lovely massage oil to lift the mood. Also, a natural aphrodisiac! The base oils are a combination of coconut oil and avocado oil.

We use a combination of coconut and avocado oil as the base oil because they act in synergy to moisturize and condition the skin. Furthermore, coconut oil alone solidifies at temperatures below about 20oC; the combination of oils allows the product to remain in liquid form even when stored in lower temperatures.

The chocolate cherry scent is stimulating and unique.

Ingredients: Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil, Chocolate Absolute, Cherry Oil.

Description Price in USD
120ml glass bottle $12.20